October 15, 2015 Guest Post
The round shaped hollow structure at the top of any architecture is known as a dome. These are structures that have been in use, since the ancient times and can still be seen in different parts of the world.
Though dome structures have been used extensively in all types of architecture, religious structures use them the most. What do you think is the reason behind it? The reason is the foundation of every movement in the universe or in simpler words, energy. Energy forms the base of our existence and is the primary source of our sustenance. Hence, domes are featured by many religious monuments across the world, as they can serve as storehouses of energy.
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Guest Post
The definition of home includes safety, care, love and support. This includes the condition of remaining safe from the pest attacks, which can ruin your daily lives, and even prove a serious danger to your health. The cunning rodents, termites and pests are anxiously waiting to get into your house through their hidden entrance gates like crevasse, ventilators, and wall cracks. When your property becomes a blend of meals, plentiful temperature and full of humidity, then it would be an invitation to this wood destroying termites. And honest to goodness, they are one annoying piece of a vermin.
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October 14, 2015 Luxury House Design, Modern House Design
Eco-Golf House Caesarea Exterior and Interior Design by Studio Aiko. This one of project from Studio Aiko, Eco-Golf House Caesarea. This luxury house with the surrounding vegetation.
Eco-Golf House Caesarea Exterior
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Modern House Design, Multi Residential
Here are pictures of green on 19 townhomes, multi-Family residential was designed by Jesse Bornstein Architecture. This house integrates green technologies and materials within a modern design sensibility. This residence design is a significant departure from the traditionally based neighborhood context. For further detail visit Jesse Bornstein Architecture site.
Green on 19 Townhomes, Multi Family Residential by Jesse Bornstein Architecture
Green on 19 Townhomes, Multi Family Residential by Jesse Bornstein Architecture
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October 13, 2015 Architecture Design, Modern House Design
This home from freshome readers, inspiring home design.
The inspiration and proposal behind the manage without bedroom project came from a strip of Fornasetti wallpaper we had. We framed it in the bathroom and leave it up higher than the bath. Used yellow to add a playful come into contact with. The dark grey walls worked really well as the place is quite not inconsiderable, it really creates such a cheerful,cosy effect in the space. Most items in the bedroom are upcycled pieces. The headboard we found on a dump place, we recently painted it black. The elevation schedule we found in a antique superstore it was a old linen box.The lockers were found in a pawn superstore, we had them powder coated and found the information on them by a car wader vending. Who says you can just have forty winks in the chief bedroom?
Inspiring Home Design
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