January 1, 2016 Apartment, Interior Design
This apartment is located in Berlin, Germany, Spreebogen apartment was designed by BERLINRODEO. This apartment has modern interior, the bedroom in purple and white theme, dining room located at one place with kitchen without separated wall, the kitchen white theme, look more clean. The bathroom has large bath tube. This apartment has reading room complete with book on bookcases.

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November 4, 2015 Modern House Design

Designed by Magnus Architects, Hashi house has modern interior asian palette. Bamboo, aluminum and natural stone combine to create this modern interior asian palette.

Hashi House, House with Modern Interior Asian Palette by Magnus Architects
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May 17, 2010 Interior Design
Here are some picture of interior design from Damilano Studio Architects. WorldHouseDesign share it for you. We hope it can help you to get inspiration about creating or decorating your interior room. Enjoy the image below. Please visit Damilano Studio Architects site to get more information.

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