November 8, 2015 Apartment, Modern House Design
This is Beaver Street Reprise, modern house design in San Francisco, California. This is modern house that fits contextually into a Victorian neighborhood. It contains an apartment, an office, and a split-level living area that opens onto a deck with sod roof. This house was designed by Craig Steely Architecture.

Beaver Street Reprise, Modern House Design in San Francisco, California

Beaver Street Reprise, Modern House Design in San Francisco, California
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December 4, 2009 Apartment
Designed by Craig Steely Architecture, Ludwig Apartment is luxury apartment located in the penthouse of a concrete high-rise on Aquatic Park, San Francisco, California. Materials used are clear and etched 1/2″ glass, slabs of Black walnut, hand made mosaic tile walls, and gun blued steel. The bed room and bath room was redesigned, allow the occupants to take advantage of the views looking north and south and the movement of the sun through out the day. For further detail visit Ludwig Apartment by Craig Steely Architecture.

Ludwig Apartment, Luxury Apartment by Craig Steely Architecture

Ludwig Apartment, Luxury Apartment by Craig Steely Architecture
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November 25, 2009 Modern House Design
This is Lavaflow 4-Fishman House, modern house design in Big Island, Hawaii. This house was designed by Craig Steely Architecture. From architects : The house, located in a “kipuka”, (a Hawaiian word for a strip of old growth vegetation left undisturbed as the lava flowed around it) holds several trees predating the lava flow including 2 magnificent Monkeypod trees. The house grows out of the Kipuka cantilevering back over the lava flow much like the canopy of the Monkeypod trees. For further detail visit Craig Steely Architecture site.

Lavaflow 4-Fishman House, Modern House Design in Big Island, Hawaii

Lavaflow 4-Fishman House, Modern House Design in Big Island, Hawaii
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