July 31, 2015 Apartment, Interior Design
This extravagant apartment is located in Moscow, Russia. The bedroom wall is covered by carpet that has same motif with floor carpet. Bedroom furniture placed front of the bed. The spot light is applied to this room, that can create cooler atmosphere. The bathroom with circle bathtub, bathroom furniture is side of the bathtub. The living room floor with wood floor, this room for met with the family, speaking each other while watching TV. Front of the living room, behind the TV is dining room. Check below,,,

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July 26, 2015 Bedroom Design

This bedroom expression of teenager soul, teenager life full of activity. This bedroom creativity work of MisuraEmme, bedroom with clever built ins providing ample storage. Teenager must be like with this design, modern and attractive. This bedroom completed with bedroom furniture. If you want your lovely young boys and girls fell at home, we can adopt this bedroom design.
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February 10, 2011 Furniture
If you’re in search for a perfect present for your daughter or wife, this table can be one attractive option. A modern wooden dressing table with built in mirror and storage. Suitable for girls or your wife. Check below..

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