December 4, 2009 Beach House Design
Designed by Craig Steely Architecture, Bennett/Yeo House? is beach house design in Big Island, Hawaii. Using structural galvanized frame in build to reduce heavy of material. For further detail visit Yeo House, Beach House Design by Craig Steely Architect.

Yeo House, Beach House Design by Craig Steely Architect

Yeo House, Beach House Design by Craig Steely Architect
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November 25, 2009 Modern House Design
This is Lavaflow 4-Fishman House, modern house design in Big Island, Hawaii. This house was designed by Craig Steely Architecture. From architects : The house, located in a “kipuka”, (a Hawaiian word for a strip of old growth vegetation left undisturbed as the lava flowed around it) holds several trees predating the lava flow including 2 magnificent Monkeypod trees. The house grows out of the Kipuka cantilevering back over the lava flow much like the canopy of the Monkeypod trees. For further detail visit Craig Steely Architecture site.

Lavaflow 4-Fishman House, Modern House Design in Big Island, Hawaii

Lavaflow 4-Fishman House, Modern House Design in Big Island, Hawaii
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