Saturday, September 28, 2024

5 Tips to Help You Maintain Your Vacant Property

September 29, 2015 Guest Post

Property is always a good investment. It’s like Mark Twain once said, “Buy land, they’re not making it anymore”. However, owning multiple properties can also be a burden. Maintaining one house is difficult, how do you think it is maintaining two? Your investment in real estate doesn’t just double overnight. You need to hold onto it for a while. During that period your property must be kept in perfect order. Otherwise, you’ll lose money when the market recovers and it’s time to sell. Here are 5 tips to help you maintain your vacant property.

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Modern and Contemporary Furniture for Offices

Guest Post

Offices can be furnished in innovative ways using modern and contemporary furniture. A wide range of furniture from seating to storage can be found in the market for office furnishing needs. Read more…

Effective Workplace Furnishing can Boost Employees’ Performance

Guest Post

Well-furnished offices can provide employees with a comfortable working environment that can result in better performances. Organisations should focus on furnishing offices in most effective ways to boost employees’ efficiency. Read more…

Five Factors to Consider When Buying Business Storage Furniture

Guest Post

There are several storage requirements of businesses, and a variety of furniture is available across the market. Companies should consider a few factors when buying storage furniture in order to furnish their workspaces adequately.


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Tinbeerwah Residence by Richard Kirk Architect

Modern House Design

Situated in the Sunshine Coast hinterland for an international Client. Siting of the residence has been carefully considerate to respond to environmental conditions, and to control the transition from the made landscape of the residence to the natural bushland beyond. The residence occupies a solid plinth which serves to separate the main building from the landscape and assist in the clear delineation of the made landscape and the landscape in its natural state. Designed by Richard Kirk Architect.

Tinbeerwah Residence
Tinbeerwah Residence by Richard Kirk Architect
Yard-Tinbeerwah Residence by Richard Kirk Architect
Tinbeerwah Residence by Richard Kirk Architect
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