Saturday, March 15, 2025

Pool House Design with Natural Wood Finish by Hanrahan Meyers Architects

May 19, 2013 Modern House Design

This is Singer Residence in Wainscot, New York. This is pool house design with natural wood finish was designed by Hanrahan Meyers Architects. This pool house was designed as a freestanding pavilion, with cedar siding stained with a natural wood finish. A copper wall wraps the front elevation of the pool house and the existing house and creates a connection between the two structures. For further detail visit Hanrahan Meyers Architects site.

Pool House, Pool House Design
Pool House Design with Natural Wood Finish by Hanrahan Meyers Architects
Pool House, Pool House Design
Pool House Design with Natural Wood Finish by Hanrahan Meyers Architects

Pool House, Pool House Design, Natural Wood Finish
Pool House Design with Natural Wood Finish by Hanrahan Meyers Architects
Pool House's Interior, Pool House Design
Pool House Design with Natural Wood Finish by Hanrahan Meyers Architects
Pool House's Interior, Pool House Design
Pool House Design with Natural Wood Finish by Hanrahan Meyers Architects
Pool House's Interior, Pool House Design
Pool House Design with Natural Wood Finish by Hanrahan Meyers Architects


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