Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Considerations You Must Make Before Getting Your Home Extended

March 27, 2017 Home Improvement

For people who want more space around the home, moving house can be a major upheaval in order to gain it. For this reason there are many home owners who opt to have their existing home extended so that they can create additional rooms and spaces within the home, without being forced to sell up and find somewhere new. If you are looking for space in and around the home then here are some of the key considerations which you will need to make.



The first consideration for a housing extension will be exactly how much you can afford to spend. Don’t get confused with how much money you have and how much you can afford to spend, they are very separate issues. There is always the possibility that something could go wrong during the extension or that costs could spiral from the original planned costs. For this reason it is important that you have some back up funds in order to cover any unplanned costs.


Check Legality

There are many laws set in place that protect the rights of homeowners when it comes to their ‘right to light’. Before even putting plans in motion for a housing extension you need to check whether the plans you have in mind for you extension are going to be approved when it comes to getting planning permission. Speaking to neighbors will be the first step and then you should submit your architectural designs to the local authorities in order to see if it will be passed and that no neighbors will object.


Stay or Go

During the construction of your housing extension you could opt to leave the property for some time in order to allow the building contractors to have full freedom to move about and leave their tools and machinery in the property. If you do leave the home then you the project is likely to be completed far sooner than if you stay inside the property. If you plan to stay then you will need to make changes around the home and be prepared for some upheaval and a slightly trickier and noisier home life.


All in One or DIY?

When it comes to the design and construction of your home you have two choices, using a specia-lized company such as Excel Custom Home builders who will cover all aspects of the build that you want or contacting each part of the project yourself on an individual basis. You may very well save money doing things yourself but it will require a great deal of your time and you will need to be incredibly organized to ensure that each part of the project is working in conjunction with one another. Hiring a company to look after all aspects is likely to be the fastest way to get your exten-sion done and will be well worth the money.


These are the 4 biggest things that you will need to consider before opting of a home extension and whilst the idea of turning your home into construction yard may be a worrying one, the result will be far better and easier than if you had to move home for the extra space that you are after.


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