Sunday, May 19, 2024

Getting the Most Water for your Buck

August 5, 2015 Guest Post

Water: nothing is as vital to life as good ol’ H2O. Its importance and versatility are things we can truly raise a glass to: we use it to drink, to bathe, to wash our dishes and clothes, and to sustain the life of our lawns and plants. Yet, as vital as water is, there isn’t an endless supply of it. Wasting it can impact both the environment and your utility bill.

Getting the Most Water for your Buck

Wasting Water: The Facts
Most people waste water every day without realizing it. In fact, per the Huffington Post, Americans use 127 percent more water than we did in the 1950s. Unfortunately, up to 95 percent of this water goes down the drain.

Water is sometimes wasted in obvious ways: running the tap as you brush your teeth, for instance, can waste nearly four gallons. But sometimes we may not realize we’re wasting water: taking a bath, according to Stanford Magazine, requires about 70 gallons of water. A five-minute shower uses only about 10 to 25 gallons.

How to Conserve Water
Saving H2O is actually quite easy. Here are some of the simplest things you can do to conserve water:

Fix leaking toilets: According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a toilet that has a leak can waste up to 200 gallons of water each day. That is the equivalent of flushing a toilet 50 times.

Replace old toilets with newer ones: Old toilets use much more water than their newer counterparts. Thus, swapping out old ones for more modern versions can literally keep you from throwing money down the drain. Placing a brick inside your toilet tank can also help your toilet—whether old or new—get by with smaller flushes.

Harvest rainwater: When it comes to precipitation, savings are falling from the sky. Harvesting rainwater is a wonderful way to cut down on the amount of water you use on your grass and plants. This is particularly true if you live in an area with plenty of rainfall, such as the Pacific Northwest. To harvest rain, install a harvesting system (which is quite simple) or a water storage tank. More helpful information about rainwater harvesting can be found here:

Adapt your washing machine to the load size: Washing machines can use a lot of water. According to The Learning Channel, fifteen percent of an individual’s yearly water usage is from washing clothes. Since simply not washing your clothes isn’t an option, you must adapt in other ways. You can do this by purchasing a low-water washing machine and by making sure your wash setting matches your load size. If you are only washing a few items, for instance, don’t put the load size on high.

Ditch the hose : During warm months, the hose may be running at your house as often as the air conditioner is. It may be used to water grass and gardens, and to wash your car. While turning the hose off completely may not be feasible, there are a few ways to keep a running hose from running up your water bill. First of all, be sure your hose has a nozzle that you can turn on and off (or turn to low or high). Second of all, replace your hose with a bucket for activities like washing your car or your deck.

This article is written by Jaret Miret, father and home handyman. Jared writes this article to help you and your family save money on your water bill. He loves blogging about money saving ideas, water and water treatment chemicals, home improvement and DIY ideas.


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