Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Spalding Gardening Calendar Brought to you by Spalding Bulb

September 7, 2015 Guest Post

Many aspects of gardening can seem very overwhelming. Particularly organising what can and cannot be done throughout the year, and fine tuning for disasters. Spalding Bulb have developed this interesting infographic to aid your scheduling for the upcoming year, with tips and tricks for each month!
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Proper pH for Your Veggie Garden

July 22, 2015 Guest Post

As a novice gardener, you’ve probably not thought much about the pH of your soil, but it’s an important part of successfully growing vegetables. If you’re an experienced green thumb, you know that pH measures how much acidity or alkalinity is in your soil. Soil pH is important because it dictates how easily plants can take nutrients from the soil. Don’t worry: most plants have a wide pH range in which plants can thrive. But if you’re unsure, consult your trusty gardening book for the preferred pH for your specific plant.

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