Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Stop Your Home From Falling Into Decay With These 4 Tips

August 2, 2015 Guest Post

If you ever want to sell your home you’ll want to make sure people get a great first impression as they walk up from the curb. The problem with that is that it normally costs a pretty penny to get your house a new face lift. A few simple maintenance routines will greatly improve your house’s looks and you’ll feel proud every time you come home. Lets take a look at four tips to stop your home from falling into decay…


Painting the exterior makes the house look cheerier, cleaner, and newer. It protects the house from wind, sun and rain and preserves the surface. A good paint job should last fifteen years. Painting is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to keep your house from looking rundown. In addition, you can check on the condition of the windowsills and trim at the same time and should consider replacing those as well.

Roof Cleaning and Repair

The roof is one of the most visible parts of the house. Keeping it clean and in good repair is vital to the health and safety of your home as well as to its good looks. Don’t put off repairs. If the repair is a matter of a few shingles, you may do it yourself or, if there seems to be a bit more damage, call on roof repair in Houston for estimates. While you’re at it, clean the gutters, and replace broken lengths of gutters and downspouts. You don’t want water damage to the rest of the house as that is the precursor to mold and decay.

Front Entrance

If fixing the roof is the most vital repair then sprucing up the entry is the one that adds the most charm. A coat of paint in a new color gives the front door added appeal. Check to see if the steps or walkway have cracks or crumbling surfaces. Do spot repairs, then give the surface an overall protective coat. You can also replace worn out hardware. Improved details will update the whole look. Make sure the porch lights work and all the glass is clean and intact.

Lawn and Boarders

Lawn upkeep is important to the status of the house. Clutter, whether it’s toys, unfinished projects or leftover building materials, makes the house look like it’s falling into decay. Make a point of gathering up the extra equipment in your yard regularly. Keep the lawn mowed and watered. Trim the hedges. If your property has a perimeter fence, keep it in good condition. Replace missing pieces promptly, and maintain the upkeep of the surface.

Keeping the house in good condition goes a long way and pays off in the end, no matter what you decide to do for the future. You’ll have a beautiful home to keep and to show.


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