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6 Tips to Help Home Owners Transform their Kitchen

October 5, 2015 Guest Post

The kitchen is probably the most sacred room of the house. This is where you prepare your food. In order to feel good about cooking you first need to feel good about your kitchen. Improving your kitchen will not only improve your house, but also your life. You can add to your home equity value by renovating your kitchen and add years to your life by cooking and enjoying good food. Here are 6 tips to help home owners transform their kitchen.

Create More Space
The one thing that you must always have in your kitchen is space. You need to be able to move around freely if you want to cook properly. Start moving the appliances to create more space inside the kitchen. Place them where they’re easy to reach, but not in your way. Consider reducing the size of the countertop if it’s taking up too much space.Move the things that you don’t use on a daily basis inside storage. Your kitchen will automatically look more appealing when things aren’t so cramped.

Replace the Tiles
Replacing the tiles can make any room look good. After all, the tiles hold a dominant position in your house. When you’re replacing the tiles it’s important to give preference to maintenance over appearance. The kitchen is the one place where tiles stand the most chance of getting dirty,due to cooking. If the tiles are easy to clean it’ll make your job a whole lot easier. It’ll also make the floor look appealing for a longer duration of time. Installing tiles onthe walls is also a good idea. It’ll make the walls come alive.Tiles look good on kitchen walls.

Get a New Countertop
The countertop is the heart and soul of your kitchen. Can you imagine your kitchen without one? It’s where most of your cooking takes place. If you want to enjoy cooking, then you need to have a really good countertop. Buy a good granite countertop that comes with a sink. It’ll save you the trouble of using the kitchen sink every now and again. A good countertop can make your cooking much more enjoyable and easy. You can wash your vegetables, chop them and mix them all in one place. Like we mentioned before the countertop is the most important aspect of your kitchen.

Get Some Color
To make your dreary old kitchen come alive you need to add some color to it. The right color scheme will have a positive effect on you and the kitchen will become your place of solitude. Come up with a design that you can apply to your kitchen. Although including color is not such a bad idea you should do it in moderation. Don’t get carried away with it. If you want to add some color to your kitchen without painting the walls, then you should get some plants. A few potted plants around the kitchen will make for a pleasant environment.

Redesign the Cabinets
The cabinets are the first thing that people see when they enter inside your kitchen. If the cabinets don’t look appealing, then your whole kitchen is done for. You don’t necessarily have to replace the entire cabinet. You can just redesign them.By replacing the cupboard handles and the laminates you can make your kitchen cabinets look completely new. This tip is perfect for budget renovations. You get the desired effect without spending a lot of money. Redesigning the cabinets will give your kitchen a fresh look. Include a bit of color if you want.

Buy New Appliances
If you’re going to change your kitchen, then why not change your appliances as well? How long are you going to keep using that same old refrigerator and microwave? It’s about time that you turned them in for something new. When you have brand new appliances to work with you’ll feel like cooking more often. Isn’t that the whole point of having a kitchen? You don’t need to replace all the appliances at once and you can keep the ones that you’ve recently bought or are in working condition. However, if you’ve fixed something a couple of times already, then it’s best to replace it.

Home cooking can be relaxing and if you have a nice kitchen, then it’s even better. Use the tips mentioned here to transform your kitchen today.

Leslie Kramer, the author of this post, is a freelance blogger, who is currently writing for Architectural Design Hardware, specializes in providing architectural hardware solutions. Leslie is a home improvement expert and she uses blogging as a platform to share interior designing and green living tips.


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