Monday, February 17, 2025

6 Amazing Ways You Can Transform A Spare Room Into Something Special

August 31, 2015 Guest Post

6 Amazing Ways You Can Transform A Spare Room Into Something Special

Do you have any rooms inside your home that you do nothing with? Lots of people usually have one that they go into a few times per week. It maybe gets used as storage space and nothing else. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can ever make because you’re throwing away a chance to make your life better. Do you have any idea how much people wish they had a spare room to do something amazing with? It’s probably more than you can ever imagine and they’d be cursing you if they knew you were wasting a whole room.

Why don’t you do something amazing with it? The reason I said you were throwing away a chance to make your life better is because you can turn the room into anything your heart desires. It’s your home and it means you can do whatever you want with it. The only thing stopping you from turning it into something amazing is your imagination. If you don’t believe me then let’s look at some of the things that are possible. You could choose to use one of these ideas or you could come up with your own, but you must do something.

Your very own gym
6 Amazing Ways You Can Transform A Spare Room Into Something Special

If you want to start turning your life around in the health department your very own gym is going to be perfect. You can crawl down the stairs and soon as you get out of bed in the morning and you don’t even need to get dressed before you start exercising. Most people don’t have the motivation to go to the gym because they are preoccupied with other things, but having a gym inside your home means you have no excuses. If your room is big enough you will have room for any piece of equipment you need.

A games room
6 Amazing Ways You Can Transform A Spare Room Into Something Special

If you want to bring a bit of excitement back into your life then having your own games room will be great. Instead of hogging the television to play your computer games you can take yourself into a separate room. It doesn’t just have to be for the computer and there will be enough room for a pool table or ping pong table too. Maybe you can even get one of those old arcade machines to add a touch of style to the room. All your games will be perfect for the children too.

A relaxing study
6 Amazing Ways You Can Transform A Spare Room Into Something Special

A lot of people prefer to read books rather than watch television and if you fall into this category I bet you would kill for your very own private study. You could line the walls with lots of bookshelves so it resembled a library. This wouldn’t look great if you didn’t have books to fill the spaces, but if you did it would be perfect. All you would need is the most comfortable chair you could find and you would probably end up spending all your time in there.

An office space
6 Amazing Ways You Can Transform A Spare Room Into Something Special

It’s not uncommon for people to work from home now and some of them still refuse to build a home office . You can’t expect to be great at your job if you sit in the middle of the living room every day. Privacy is underrated and your productivity would increase. It’s something you wouldn’t regret, but you might not be able to appreciate this until you can sit down and get to work in your own space. Even if you don’t work from home it’s still great to have an office if you enjoy writing books because you’ll feel more professional.

A crèche for the kids
6 Amazing Ways You Can Transform A Spare Room Into Something Special

You can’t go away and turn your spare room into somewhere special without at least considering doing something for the kids. If they had their own crèche they would have the greatest childhood ever. It would also be a lot easier on you because you wouldn’t need to keep them entertained all the time. Do they have anywhere inside the house they can play at the moment? If they’re stuck playing inside their bedroom or making your living room a mess, build them a crèche.

A private cinema
Nothing beats going to the cinema to watch a movie because you get to watch it on a gigantic screen. Sitting and watching one in your living room is OK, but if you had your own private cinema  it would be even better. The screen might not be as big as one you’d get at a proper cinema, but because you’d be sitting so close to the screen it would still feel amazing. At least now you can watch any movie you like and you’re not restricted to brand new ones.

Leslie Kramer, the author of this post, is a freelance blogger who often writes for Habitat1, a leading  interior design and construction company. Leslie likes to bake and read in her free time.


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